4 Best Places To Look For Examples Of Cause And Effect Essays
During a young student’s school career, they will be asked to write numerous papers. Whether the topics are chosen at their own discretion or specifically allocated, there is one style that will eventually come across their table.
Cause and effect essays are basic, yet complex papers to write for any student. Reason being for the latter statement is the information that entails a specific topic/subject. For example, a simple cause and effect topic would be heat distribution and applying a specific amount of heat in a cooking pan. The materials are poor, as stainless steel, non-stick, cast iron, and copper will all yield different results at various temperatures. However, it is fairly simple to understand what the effect will be at the end (which is to cook whatever food is inside the vessel).
Needless to say the amount of topics, questions, and subjects are endless. If you are having writer’s block, here are a few resources to help you find some ideas.
Gallaudet University
Gallaudet University is located in Washington, DC and is known for their English Language Institute. Over the years, they have provided an ample amount of advice to their current and future students free of charge. In addition to topic suggestions for other papers, they have 10 choices that are pretty general, yet still beneficial to write about. (Here we will only show you 3 of their suggestions.)
- The effects of divorce.
- Why many Americans prefer foreign-built cars?
- Why students drop out of high school or college?
Best Essay Help
This website resource was founded in 2010 and has provided tremendous assistance to students. Free of charge, the team at Best Essay Help has compiled a pretty extensive list of cause and effect topics from a wide variety of subjects.
- Explain the cause of different clothing or hairstyle trends?
- Causes and effects of media violence?
- What are the causes and effect of the computer revolution?
- What are the actual and potential consequences of nuclear leaks and meltdowns?
Essay Basics
The above is another website that is highly reputable when it comes to brainstorming cause and effect topics. With over 700 argumentative topic suggestions, it would be pretty hard not to find something you can write about. Whether you are into sports, technology, art, music, movies, and more, every subject is up for grabs.
Personal experiences
The best topics can come from what you see on a daily basis. What are things that you question every day that makes you wonder “what if” and you seek answers to?
Check out these 4 places to look for examples of this type of writing. You are sure to find some ideas to get your creative juices flowing!
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Online Resources
- Paperwritingpros.com - researchers.
- Term paper writing tips.